Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stuck Inside on a Snowy Day!

I told you I wouldn’t be gone for too long. So today I slide into a ditch! Which was not exciting but I wish I would have gotten a picture of my huge car in a ditch. After two hours I was saved by nice people passing by and then I went home! I was supposed to be working at the store today but there was no way I was driving all the way out there just to come home in the dark.

So I got a off day which was nice because I got to start collecting addresses for the big wedding celebration, finish my Thank you notes for all those who donated toys for the Family Readiness Group Christmas party, and I got to organize my office closest!! Yes you heard right my office has been completed. I have an awesome fiancé as you all know that had been working on this office before he left, however it was not done yet. Jerod did all the ruffin' in, electrical, and sheet rock. Then we had black textured tile put on the floor, and his dad GRACIOUSLY came in and finished painting the room, put shelves in the closest finished the trim, and finished the light fixtures. So I have an AWESOME future father in law as well, although I would forget to feed him. Anyway, I am so excited!! So here are a couple of pictures. I am waiting on ordering my office furniture until Jerod comes home I already have one piece and just need a couple more! Here are a couple of Pics!
Office Fan that acts more like a spot light
My one piece of office furniture
This is the closet devoted to scrap booking and gift wrapping!!

This is the accent wall

After the wedding we are going to make this a wine cellar, it will have a glass door and wine racks. I know how posh of us right! haha! We are trying to become wine connoisseurs, we do live on a golf course after all!This is looking in from the downstairs living room!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

Woah! It's been a long time my friends! I have done such a bad job the last part of the year with blogging. But between my 3 jobs, being the Family Support Group Lead, and trying to plan a wedding, I do not have much time for blogging. We are officially half-way through the deployment! Which is amazing! Wedding planning is going great, I have some amazing vendors that are making the whole process easier. Although in case you did not not I lost all the information I had on my USB, this had all of graduate school, everything from my sexual health educator days, all the PhD application info, and of course the entire wedding! Everything was lost! On the bright side I have now been able to start fresh with the wedding only putting the necessary things I need in the wedding file that is now saved on my computer....that I back up every time I even think about opening the file.

I apologize more to my friends moms for not keeping them up to date, because lets be real they read the blog more that my friends do! So I promise to do better, I also have had a ton of people tell me that I should put the different projects I am doing for the wedding on the blog. I am a DETAIL JUNKIE these days when it comes to the wedding. So I will share some of my secrets...and its okay to copy, because honestly, Weddings are EXPENSIVE! WE need all the help we can get in cost saving! Anyway, I will be back soon, as in a couple of days, not months. In addition, THANK YOU to all the wonderful people who send Jerod boxes and sent the soldiers Christmas gifts, that is wonderful and I LOVE YOU FOR IT!